
The synthesized tracks of Donna Summer' s 1977 "I Feel Love" made the song ________________, popularizing the idea that electronic music could be danceable and,more radically,that dance music should be electronic.
One effect of glacial meltwater on the upper ocean is _______________: the meltwater creates a strong gradient between the lower-density waters at the surface and the saltier and more dense waters below.
Many people see the idea that virtuous ends can result from morally neutral motives as _______________: they have serious doubts about whether profit-maximizing entities can produce socially beneficial outcomes.
Scientists believe that a ___________________ between Saturn's rotation and the axis of its magnetic field is necessary to maintain the field, despite observations appearing to show Saturn's rotation and magnetic field in perfect alignment.
During the 1950s in West Germany, those who identified car traffic as a public danger concentrated on the behavior of drivers rather than cars; as a result, safety features of automobiles ________________ public scrutiny.
The history of science shows that the relationship between scientific inquiry and technology is far from _______________; however, a nonscientist will almost certainly describe the latter as merely an application of the former.
Although the number of public libraries in the United States expanded greatly after 1786, their role as institutions of democratic empowerment was arguably ________________: in most cases the membership remained small, largely limited to local elites.
The ___________________ of theories is the essence of science: while they represent the best explanation that we have at any moment, theories can be reexamined at a later date ifthe evidence warrants.
One effect of television pertinent to children's development is ______________ whether children actively engage in television-watching: even when televisions are just audible, adults speak less, a reduction potentially deleterious for children's language acquisition.


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