

The professor repelled many students with his _____ asides, often droning on about some trivial academic point.
Thomas Chippendale, the 17th Century English designer, was renowned for his _____ style: even typically prosaic furniture pieces were ornately embellished.
The gallery hinted at the curator`s affinity for _____ works: despite an overarching theme to the exhibit, the pieces ranged from Incan pottery to African tribal masks.
The Barcelona based outfit, Ojos de Brujos, combines elements of East Indian tabla music, American hip-hop, and classical Flamenco, producing an unique _____ of sound.
With characteristic _____ , H.L. Mencken skewered the sacred cows of his time, criticizing social trends and government institutions with equal asperity.
Small talk abounds with _____ , which are nothing more than canned phrases lacking any real substance.
That the nightmarish depictions common to most early 20th century dystopian novels are exaggerated should by no means diminish the _____ power of these works, for many of the visions they conjure up are reflected, albeit in less vivid form, in many totalitarian governments today.
Hoping for a fresh _____ of cash, the nascent public works program had to shut down when funds were not forthcoming.
For a writer with a reputation for both prolixity and inscrutability, Thompson, in this slim collection of short stories, may finally be intent on making his ideas more _____ to a readership looking for quick edification.
The stage of daytime talk shows has become our Roman coliseum – the audience, hissing and booing, _____ the "culprit," who is forced to justify some unseemly behavior.
Parson Weems, George Washington`s preeminent biographer during the president`s life, is responsible for spreading many of the _____ we today accept as the unvarnished truth.
Many claim that the 19th Century institution of snake`s oil-the peddling of items that seldom live up to their vaunted claims-is anything but moribund; one need only look so far as the Internet to see that the tradition is _____ .
The days of the consummate _____ are over: there are simply too many fields of knowledge for one person to master completely.
For the time being, at least, the director`s intent is _____ : he has remained reticent during interviews, and even viewers have had wildly divergent interpretations over the film.
Unlike the performances of her youth, in which she seamlessly inhabited a role, the performances of her later years were _____ as though she were calling out to audiences, "look how convincingly I can portray my character."
Whether the writer`s most recent work will _____ his status as a great novelist is debatable; that, with this work, he continues to create probing narratives that capture a country in the midst of turmoil is unassailable.
Without food and water, Mike continued back to camp in a _____ fashion, moving slowly and with great difficulty.
Rather than _____ the objectives of the recent reform, the government opted to forgo making any official announcement to the public.
The conception of time as parcelled out in _____ intervals did not begin with the advent of the clock; as such we must have a biological predisposition to not conceive of time as simply an amorphous succession of moments.
Modern psychoanalysis is _____ Freud, for while he bequeathed us an effective heuristic for understanding the human psyche, he is also guilty of perpetuating many untruths.


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