

The writer has gained such popularity with his readers that even his inanities are now considered _____ .
The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the information?
The reference to a “larger target” serves primarily to suggest why a
The company suffers from an almost total lack of _____: even the most innocuous communications between departments lend to devolve into acrimony.
It is a paradox of the Victorians that they were both _____ and, through their empire, cosmopolitan.
The passage is primarily concerned with
According to the passage, astronomers recognize which of the following as being liable to cause changes to comets?
Which of the following most logically completes the argument given?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
As discussed in the passage, the literary scholars and the historians differ in which of the following ways?
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weaken the argument?

In the triangle, is y =30, then x =
Which of the following statements about the development of the piano can be inferred from the passage?
The passage is primarily concerned with
Leo Tolstoy wrote many works of nonfiction and professed (i)_____ these explorations of ethics and religion compared with his novels and short stories. The fiction writer in him, however, was hard to (ii)_____. Handi Murdd is a short novel with the breadth and power of an epic, with vivid characterization and intense storytelling that sweep the reader away. While the reader senses the moral concerns of the tale's creator, the novel is a far cry from the (iii)_____ of Tolstoy's nonfiction.


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