

Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
The latest publications predicting disastrous coastal erosion are likely to seem __________ to knowledgeable readers because variations on the same claims have been effectively refuted in the past few years.
In conversations with Vivian, one received the impression that she had access to an infinite store of __________, short, pithy, and wise.
Though often conflated by outsiders at the time, the Beat poetry scene and the folk-music revival were actually in many ways __________, despite sharing certain ancestral connections in the Depression-era Left.
Klein argues that the official version of healthy living peddled by public health institutions and the commercial interests surrounding them is __________, as it constitutes a veritable assault on the actual health of society.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
According to the passage, which of the following was true of felonies in preindustrial England?
The main historical question discussed in the passage is the reason for the gap between
It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers which of the following to be a salient characteristic of modern legal systems?
Calculus has proved adequate for modeling most objects in nature, but there remain others-snowflakes, coastlines, and clouds, for instance-whose irregular or discontinuous shapes __________ a different approach.
The impersonality of so much of Sontag`s writings naturally leaves us wondering whether a different kind of writer will be revealed in her journals and notebooks, whether we will find there writing that is more (i)_____ and less (ii)_____.
Traditional classroom instruction is (i)_____ for helping students construct a correct mental model of the lunar phases. Even in-class instruction augmented with a 3-D instead of a 2-D visual model has (ii)_____ student learning. There is a clear need for new and better approaches to the teaching of lunar phases.
It seems that wolves will leaven their otherwise strongly hierarchical society with occasional displays of (i)_____, and if a pack leader proves to be too (ii)_____, subordinate wolves will go so far as to overthrow the top cur.
The parents of pianist Jonathan Biss were both musical performers and teachers at a high level. Sometimes a young musician`s performance anxiety stems from a pressured childhood, in which (i)_____ parents, eager to see their child succeed onstage, end up (ii)_____ that child the pleasures and healthy adjustments of a normal youth. But Biss describes his as (iii)_____ musical upbringing.
Proponents of the "alternative explanation" would most likely agree with which of the following statements?
Which of the following statements best describes the overall organization of the passage?
Because the author sometimes loses track of her line of argument, her work includes a number of __________.
One of the strangest aspects of the trend is that it is so __________: the data show that the trend does not slow or stop and restart but just keeps increasing steadily.
In the Southwestern United States, periodic droughts constrict fish into refuge areas when waters dry up, but historically there was greater connectivity of stream systems, which __________ recolonization of desiccated reaches when precipitation returned.
Because of the newspaper`s policy of __________ joint bylines, lots of reporters were forced to do anonymous work on stories credited to other people.


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