

Singer Nina Simone in many ways defied categorization, with her artistic ___________ evident in her early pieces that drew on disparate musical genres, including musical theatre, blues, and jazz standards.
Given the important role that apologies can play in human relations and the almost daily news reports of the latest celebrity or political apology, the ____________ of empirical research on the subject is surprising.
The photocopier, widely adopted in the 1960s, became not merely a vehicle for copying but one for publishing in ____________ manner, so that ideas could be circulated without interference from potential censors.
We tend to perceive the classification of 200 animals into scientific categories such as species and subspecies as ______________, but the definition of many species is still hotly debated among biologists and conservationists.
All biographies of ancient figures are necessarily ______________, in that, in order to understand historical legends as human beings, there has to be some sort of translation into the categories of our own experience.
Xie proposes that sleep achieves its restorative function by switching the brain into a state that facilitates the clearance of waste products resulting from neural activity during wakefulness; indeed, the very (i) ______________ of such waste products in the waking brain may (ii) ______________ the switch to sleep state.
The benefits offered by information technology do not (i) ______________ the need for individual reasoning; for example, Internet users should not allow the reasoning process to be (ii) ______________ the mere accumulation of raw data.
Lohr's (i) ______________ the trappings of literary celebrity creates a Romantic aura for him: by distancing himself from all public discourse about himself or his work, Lohr becomes an even greater, albeit more (ii) ______________, celebrity than most authors manage in all their interviews and memoirs.
When potentially disruptive change appears on the horizon, managers approach should be to assemble the capabilities to (i) ______________ that change before it affects the mainstream business. The (ii) ______________ to run two businesses, one with processes attuned to the existing business model and another geared toward the new model. While apparently onerous, this parallel operation is far less dangerous than either (iii) ______________ innovation irrevocably or remaining committed to tried-and-true methods that are threatened with obsolescence.
Despite the general _____________of Roman archaeological studies toward the major cities and their monuments, archaeology has contributed much to a better understanding of rural developments in Roman territory.
While merchants and bankers in thirteenth-century Europe quickly embraced the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, the governing authorities were less _____________ it.
Some consider the theorem Emmy Noether first published in 1918 to be as important as Einstein's theory of relativity, since much of today's vanguard research in physics is _____________ Noether's theorem.
The concept of increasing complexity of organisms has _____________ history among evolutionary biologist, and yet many laypeople would unhesitatingly say that the pattern applies to the history of life on Earth.
Because they were traditionally __________, Jam monks in sixteenth-century India particularly valued special dispensations from the royal court granting them freedom of movement.
Twentieth-century tussles in cosmology illustrate the __________ of science, for they highlight both the human drive to explore nature and the limits that our minds inevitably impose on our understanding.
It is incorrect to think of eighth-century Japan as (i) _____________. In western and central Japan, for example, there was considerable (ii) _____________, with many inhabitants deriving their ancestry from the Wa and Yamato peoples and at least a third being descendants of Korean immigrants unrelated to those peoples.
While the professor was once known for expressing herself (i) _________ that is no longer true. Her writing style is much more (ii) _________ than it was when she started her career over 30 years ago.
For private fossil collectors, a fossil`s value is (i) _________ the object itself. For scientists, however, the value of a fossil is usually (ii) _________. Most paleontological research focuses not only on the fossil itself, but also on the fossil`s location, the kind of rock it was found in, its position in the historical sequence, and how the fossil is positioned relative to other fossils.
Documenting the lives of African Americans before Emancipation is (i) ____________ undertaking even when printed accounts are (ii) ____________, they are often (iii) ____________ and details printed as fact may be merely speculative.
In a 1931 article, Duke Ellington suggested that jazz had ____________ aspect: "What we could not say openly, we expressed in music, and what we know as `jazz` is something more than just dance music."


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