

What is the greatest prime divisor of $$3^{100}$$- $$3^{97}$$?
The ratio of the number of males to the number of females in a mathematics class is 4 to 5. The corresponding ratio in an English class is 5 to 4. There are 50 percent more males in the English class than there are in the mathematics class. What is the ratio of the number of females in the mathematics class to the number of females in the English class?
If $$\sqrt{108}$$ =$$a\sqrt{b}$$, where $$a$$ and $$b$$ are both positive integers, which of the following could be the value of a+b?

Indicate all such numbers.
In the xy-plane, a line with equation y=mx+b, where m and b are constants and mb≠0, has a y-intercept that is twice the x-intercept.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Five gift cards will be distributed among 10 people so that no person receives more than one gift card. The gift cards consist of one $100 gift card, one $50 gift card, one $25 gift card and two $10 gift cards. How many different distributions of the five gift cards among the 10 people are possible if the two $10 gift cards are considered to be identical?
On a bookshelf, Pat arranges 7 different books: 2 history books, 3 philosophy books, and 2 science books. If Pat arranges the books so that the history books are next to each other, the science books are next to each other, and the philosophy books are next to each other, how many different arrangements are possible?
There are 10 pens in a box, and 2 of the pens are defective. If 2 pens are to be selected at random from the box without replacement, what is the probability that neither will be defective?
Give your answer as a fraction.
A, B, and C are events in a probability experiment such that 0 < P(A) < 1, B and C are independent, and P(A) = 2P(B) = 3P(C).

Quantity A

$$\frac{2}{3}$$ P(A)

Quantity B

P(B or C)

On the number line, P is a point between -3 and -2, Q is a point between -1 and 0, and R is a point between 0 and 1.

Quantity A

The distance between P and Q

Quantity B

The distance between Q and R

S is the set of all numbers $$(k-n)^{2}$$, where k and n are integers such that 4 ≤ k < 7 < n ≤ 12. What is the range of the numbers in S?

In the sum above, if X and Y each denote one of the digits from 0 to 9, inclusive, then X=?
x and y are positive integers, and x=10y+2

Quantity A

The value of the tens digit of x

Quantity B

The value of the units digit of y

Which of the following could be a factor of $$\frac{9!}{(6!)(3!)}$$?

Indicate all such numbers.
z is a positive integer. When 17 is divided by z, the remainder is 2.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Let n be an integer greater than 30. When n is divided by 12, the remainder is 11. What is the remainder when (6n+1) is divided by 9?
The integer k is the product of four different prime numbers. If the result when k is divided by 10 is a multiple of 11, which of the following could be the result when k divided by 5?
k and n are consecutive positive odd integers.

Quantity A

The least common multiple of k and n

Quantity B


How many positive two-digit integers have a remainder of 3 when divided by both 10 and 6?
If x and y are positive numbers and the ratio of x to y is 5 to 4, which of the following ratios must be equal to 6 to 5?


25000 +道题目

