

The author mentions "studies of lake and shallow ocean sediments" primarily in order to
Which of the following best describes the primary function of the highlighted sentence?
The highlighted sentence performs which of the following function in the passage?
It can be inferred from the passage that, in general, locating modern power plants closer to population centers would have
Which of the following can be inferred about the studies mentioned in the highlighted portion of the passage?
Like her literary heroine, George Eliot, Barbara Kingsolvers is an old-fashioned _____, deeply curious about all branches of human learning.
The virtual absence of cougars from late prehistoric faunas in the North American Great Basin (i)_____ a general scarcity of carnivores from these sites: bobcats, coyotes, and badgers are routinely found, and even such historically (ii)_____ carnivores as bears and wolves are found as well.
Given children's active fantasy lives, one might think of truthfulness as (i)_____ virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more (ii)_____ skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying (iii)_____ cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not.
The difficulty for nineteenth-century advocates of the claim that forests helped regulate climate was that their argument (i)_____ historical anecdote and observations. Proving the forest-climate link through verifiable and experimental scientific means rather than observation was (ii)_____ for these individuals, a situation that eventually led to the link (iii)_____ justifications for forest conservation.
In a sharp blow to his reputation as (i)_____ leader, the evidence that the mayor has recently been involved in malfeasance seems to be (ii)_____.
No one (i)_____ that building a ship powered by black holes or dark matter would be a formidable task. Yet remarkably there seems to be nothing in our present understanding of physics that (ii)_____ our doing so.
Because of the newspaper`s _____ joint bylines, lots of reporters were compelled to do anonymous work on stories credited to other people.
Discussions of impending water shortages are often couched in apocalyptic rhetoric, yet if the language is somewhat _____, the basic message is sound: water is indeed scarce and growing scarcer.
It is not unusual for American eduction leaders to hold up another nation as a model for school reform: in the mid-nineteenth century, such figures _____ the professionalism and structure of the Prussian school system.
Because the literary club often trumpeted itself as a sanctuary for temperate discussion, visitors were startled by the frequently _____ tone of its recent debates.
Many theorists believe that measures to prevent industrial pollution necessarily increase production costs, but several recent reports document innovations that _______________ environmental harm while also delivering economic benefits.
The so-called "good" translations of the historian`s major work-those that are (i)_____, in other words-give a very bad idea of the linguistic character of the author`s original writing, which is notoriously (ii)_____.
The population of Country X for 1980 was p. The population of Country X increased by 3.8 percent in each of the next two years.

Quantity A

The population of Country X for 1982

Quantity B



The average (arithmetic mean) of the coordinates of the 7 labeled points on the number line is how much greater or less than the median of the coordinates of the 7 labeled points?


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